About ASDC

The Acupuncture Society of the District of Columbia (ASDC) serves the public as well as practitioners of acupuncture and Chinese medicine.  Our mission includes educating the public about Chinese medicine; protection and promotion of the integrity of this medicine; and broadening opportunities for practitioners  and the public through education, legislative action, and communication.  ASDC is registered as a non-profit organization. We are currently the only professional membership organization of acupuncture and Chinese medicine in D.C.  We welcome your questions or comments, and you can always contact us.

ASDC Officers

President — Dr. Leanne Ekstrom, D.OM, Dipl. OM., L.Ac. 
Vice PresidentVacant                                                         

SecretaryBronwyn Clark M.Ac, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac                                                                                                                           Treasurer — Samina Moiduddin, L.Ac., M.Ac., BSN
Membership CoordinatorDr. Natalie Grigorian, D.OM, L.Ac.
Communications CoordinatorVacant
Website Support — Samina Moiduddin, L.Ac., M.Ac., BSN

Co-Founder and Past President — Alexandra Knox, L.Ac., M.Ac.                                                                                        Co-Founder and Past President — Lisa Eaves, L.Ac., M.Ac.